Tuesday, October 27, 2009

as gold to the fire

I had a good cup of coffee with a friend today and it was such a great reminder to not lose focus. I keep forgetting that this is a time of testing for me. "as gold to the fire I will surrender to your hands"

I need to stop focusing on the unknowns (when, where, why, how) and focus
on what I do know:

1. "how blessed on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news" (Isaiah 52:7) !
2. I serve and obey a good God with good purposes.
3. The storms cannot destroy me. Even the rain has it's purpose.
4. If it is worthwhile it will not be easy and it will take patience.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I got to work with the giraffes today and I took a glimpse of the marvelous work of our Creator. He designed these animals with specific purposes in mind and saw to it that each detail served to give the giraffe an advantage in the wilderness. You see, God didn't promise the giraffe an easy life void of predators. He just equips the giraffe with advantages to help it survive. I think sometimes I wish that the Lord didn't put any 'predators' in my life, and that instead it was easy. But I'm not looking at the big picture. You see, in the wilderness, lions need to kill to survive. It's not just about the giraffes...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

project visualize

I've decided to start doing a post each day with a photograph because that helps me to better vocalize what's going on in the world of MPD and I'm sure it would help my followers better visualize the work the Lord is doing all around me!

So the first post is going to be coffee steam in the morning, taken at the zoo, while I was waiting for the day to begin. Right now I am trying to just be observant and bask in the Lord's love while I am 'waiting for my day to begin'.