Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Day of Firsts

I had a few small adventures today, and I've coined it a day of firsts because, for the first time, I got to ride the mass transportation railway in Welly. It was fun, probably more because of its novelty than anything else, but the ride through the foggy mountainous hills was a blast despite the fact that it was quick, bumpy, and loud.

I also set up my New Zealand Bank account today and did laundry for the first time. Electricity is really expensive here, so it is much more cost effective to hang laundry out to dry, especially since it's summer and the weather is so nice right now! We still haven't found a flat, but we are going to viewings, sending emails, and even praying about finding another female roommate so that we can maybe afford a bigger place. Apparently flat-hunting is a professional sport here, but Sarah and I are working hard and praying harder! Thanks for all of the prayers, and I will keep you updated on our situation.

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