Monday, December 14, 2009

expectancy that is holding the face up

As I address Christmas cards I am absolutely floored by the support network that God has built up around me. It is by no feat of my own that I've reached 75% of my support goal. The road has been rugged, a path tread by many before me, without a map or compass, only following the call of a good and faithful God. Does that mean the path leads me where I want it? Absolutely not. Does that mean I should stop following it? Never.

They were called wise men. They followed a prophecy (Numbers 24:17) and a star. This is what we Christians celebrate as Epiphany. The Greek word epipháneia means manifestation or appearance. The culmination and manifestation of the Wise Men's hopes came at their arrival, not before they left. They had no Garmin to show them the route. They weren't even given an address, yet they were considered "Wise".

Sometimes I feel like I am following a far-off dream, not yet realized. But then I remember the Wise Men who followed a star and the Israelites who followed a pillar of clouds (Exodus 13). Maybe it is not necessary for me to know the exact destination of my journey. Maybe instead I am called to hold my face up in expectancy, step forward in faith, stay from stumbling by Grace, and in all of this joyfully worship the One who guides my feet.

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