Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love crosses cultures

Last night, I saw my friend Adam get baptised. Ten months ago Adam prayed in faith to accept Christ as his Savior. A year ago, Adam arrived in New Zealand from China, having never heard of Jesus and barely speaking English. Although it wasn't particularly articulate or poetic, Adam gave his testimony that Sunday night in a church filled with his brothers and sisters in Christ and it was the most genuine expression of his love for God. After that, seeing him go under water and come back up, a symbol of his new life in Jesus and his commitment to walk in faith, I was brought to tears.

One girl I disciple, Wai Li, is from Malaysia. Her English is very good, but there is still a language barrier, and it can sometimes be difficult for us to understand each other. So, when we meet up together I read a verse out of my English Bible, and she reads that verse in chinese. Being a language lover, it is stunning for me to see how God can permeate cultures and language barriers. Whether we are American Christians or Kiwi Christians or Malaysian Christians, we all need to hear the same message of hope.

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