Monday, February 22, 2010

Amusing musings...

One of the joys of being an overseas missionary is stumbling over my own two feet when it comes to culture. I've had a few moments in the past few days where I've had to look back and laugh at myself, usually because of some cultural differences, and I thought it'd be fun to share.

1. every single time I go to flip the turn signal, I accidentally turn on the windshield wipers. We call our van a "bubble van" because it's an old Japanese van that looks like a bubble. clever. since it's Japanese the signals and wipers are on opposite sides of what I am used to
2. I was running to get to church on time last night, took a 5:13 train, arrived in town at 5:24 and had a 40 minute walk to get to church by 6. I was so concerned with getting there on time only to find that people don't really stroll in until 6:15 and service starts whenever enough people arrive. It's much more laid back. I could get used to that!
3. I walked to the dairy to buy a local newspaper to find that they were sold out. So I continued walking until I found the BP Gas station. It's 6pm and the gas station is closed. Actually, almost everything is closed by 6pm. I am so used to getting what I want when I want it, because that is how we Americans function. I wonder, though, if maybe having 24-7 grocery stores just feeds our disease of self entitlement
4.Morning tea is required by law in the workplace. This means that we get a 15 min break for a hot drink, a quick stretch, maybe even a run to the toilet, just so that we can get back to focusing on our work. I actually thought people were messing with me when they told me that...but I was wrong...

okay that is all that I can remember for the moment, but if I embarrass myself any more I will be sure to share!

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