Saturday, February 27, 2010

untold treasures

"Saints of the early church reaped great harvests in the field of prayer and found the mercy seat to be a mine of untold treasures." C.H. Spurgeon

This weekend we met with CSL's (Committed Servant Leaders) for our kick-off retreat. It was here that we began planning for the year ahead, hearts heavy with prayer and eyes fixed attentively on the Lord. The work that we prepare for is the most important work we will ever do in our lives; sharing hope with a broken city. I cannot wait to see the treasures that we stumble across this year and I say stumble because, no doubt, we will!

Some of the CSL's at our kick-off retreat!

We began the retreat with introductions and cast a vision for the school year. Then we broke up into teams relating to various aspects of the ministry. The team that I am leading is the "FUSE and Community Team". Fuse is our monthly gathering where all of the Bible Studies from all of our campuses in Wellington get together to "creatively and actively spur one another on toward loving deeds and good works". Essentially we are the "fusing together" of all the students in our movement in such a way that students are energized to go back out to impact their campus and various communities.

Our first FUSE is Mar 5th (my 23rd birthday), so please keep it in your prayers as we finish hammering out logistics and continue to trust God for the details! I'll share more about FUSE in the weeks to come!

enjoying a BBQ!

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